Online Mastering is the mastering service supplied via Internet through a secure FTP server, which allows transfer of audio files using any FTP client that supports SSL or TLS secure protocol (FTPS), as - for example - Filezilla (available for both Mac and PC).
How the service works
After being assigned a dedicated user code and password, the customer accesses his private folders both to deposit the material to be processed and to collect it when it is ready.
Once loaded, the files are controlled and processed with normal processing procedures. Any problem which may occur will be communicated to the customer, who will intervene to correct it or change the requests. Subgroup mastering (stem mastering) is often used, that is a technique where some separate elements of the mix can be corrected directly by the person making the mastering.
A copy of each single file will then be sent to the customer for approval and, after that, the master will be realized and made available on the FTP server in the form of a disk image or DDP, or sent directly to the customer or duplication facility by courier. Otherwise, we can send a file containing the entire project, which can be read and printed on any CD by means of an appropriate custom program for Macs and PCs.
According to the customer’s preference, the files can also be transferred by means of Web services such as, for example, YouSendIt. On our site, on 'Informations' page, you will find a link to our YouSendIt "Dropbox", where the customer can send his files (maximum size of 2GB each). Once the processing is done, the customer will receive by e-mail a link to download the processed files.
Puoi inviarci i tuoi file attraverso il pratico servizio WeTransfer. I file devono essere preferibilmente in formato RAR. Formati alternativi: ZIP e 7-zip. La dimensione massima non deve superare i 20 GB.
IMPORTANTE! Non dimenticare di inserire il tuo nominativo e il tuo recapito telefonico nel campo "Messaggio" di WeTransfer!